In launching this website I think it only appropriate that I take the time to acknowledge a few people who helped me along the way. As we all know a business can’t come to fruition without support.
Firstly, thank you to my extremely supportive husband Calvin. Nothing is ever too hard or great for this man and the love, encouragement and financial support from my right hand man has made this decision not only possible, but do-able. Thank you babe for believing in the path I have decided to choose and helping me walk it… even though it involves me missing in action with many late nights on the
computer, emails back and forth from Italy, discussions on products and endless conversations on the logistics and financials of launching a new business.
It’s great to know I have your support and trust in the decisions I make and I love you for that. Your knowledge is invaluable.
I now can’t go past mentioning my beautiful daughters Piah and Elle. Both whom put up with my endless hours in front of the computer, phone calls and constant ‘product’ talk. For their support at Trade shows helping me to promote such a beautiful product and for believing in my passion for Jin Stirrup…Thank you to Elle for being my crash test dummy with so many products and for constantly preaching the Jin Stirrup brand and product with integrity…not hard to do but an awesome support to have. I couldn’t function with-out it.
I love you girls.
We have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to sponsor 3 riders, with the support of Elle Pusterla, Tamara Campain and Jack Schouten helping to share the Jin Stirrup word the news is spreading. Your belief and support of our beautiful products and your dedication as riders and competitors is what inspires so many others. Thank you to 3 very talented, determined and driven young individuals with amazing goals.
What a great example you set.
A special mention must go to Grant Campain from for his amazing support and dedication to photograph our beautiful products. Thank you so much Grant for your time and commitment !
You are an amazing photographer with a big heart and a beautiful family.
A special mention to Chris Esh photography who always gives me the heads up to the beautiful photos he is taking of Jin Stirrup out and about. I appreciate your support and generosity .
Thankyou to Jeff Gibbs at Image Web Design for your patience with me and taking the time to understand the ‘Jin Stirrup world’ to help create a site that is beautiful and informative…and easy for me to navigate.
I have a very special group of friends that back me every day and I love them for it…you know who you all are chicks…thank you !
And to all our existing and new clients coming on board every day-you make my job very easy and I am so proud to be able to supply a product in this industry that is beautiful and practical and that you can enjoy.
Lastly, but not least… a big thankyou to Liliana at Jin Stirrup in Italy…my lifeline for information, orders, invoices, up to date news and endless conversations regarding products in the wee hours of the morning.
For putting up with my ‘pronto…pronto’ email requests and being so kind. (I’m so glad your english is better than my Italian…Grazie Millie Liliana)
Thankyou ‘Jin Stirrup’ Italy and ‘Wildkart’ for believing in my ability in becoming the ‘Official Australian Distributor’.
Sooo excited about the future !